Nationally Recognised Training

NTTSNC6 - Specialised Nursery Training Cluster

Units of Competency

Elective Units

  • AHCECR305 – Collect native seed
  • AHCNSY205 – Pot up plants
  • AHCNSY206 – Care for nursery plants
  • AHCNSY207 – Undertake propagation activities
  • AHCPCM204 – Recognise plants
  • AHCWHS202 – Participate in workplace health and safety processes

Course Dates

Please contact us for scheduled course dates.

Fees and Charges

Information about fees and charges is provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges which will have been included in your pre-enrolment information package.

For remote areas, please contact us for the price.

Please refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges as it contains important information about related charges and our refund policy.


A learner’s position on the course will only be confirmed upon a completed enrolment form and the payment of your basic course fee.

Numbers are limited, so confirmed enrolments will only be able to attend on the day of training.

Responsibility for Training

New Territory Training is responsible under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 for the quality of the training and assessment being delivered in this course and for the issuance of all AQF certificates.

Please refer to the Student Handbook for further information on all student rights and obligations.

This document must be read in conjunction with the Learner Handbook, Schedule of Fees & Charges and USI Fact Sheet.